<p>On a pleasant Sunday morning, we had planned to watch a movie and decided to search for available showtimes online. However, we encountered a significant obstacle: we could not find websites offering online ticket booking services. This realization, coupled with the fact that almost 62% of local businesses still operated through traditional means, underscored a gap in the market. We found it surprising that in today’s era of digital marketing and online services, where one can purchase anything from a safety pin to a private jet online, we could not book a simple movie ticket online.Motivated by this realization, we embarked on a journey to create a startup that would provide local and non-local businesses a platform to take their operations online. Thus, “Sajilo” was born, the name of which means “Easy” in Nepali. Our primary objective is to make life more efficient for the people of Sikkim.Initially, the implementation of our idea seemed impossible. However, through sheer determination and dedication to the project, we worked every day to get closer to achieving our goals. While things were not initially easy for us, we persisted with regular research and networking, eventually making our dream a reality. One step led to another and another, and now we find ourselves where we are today.</p>